Welcome back to CCB Tutorials! Today’s tutorial is one that many folks have likely pondered but may or may not have desired or been too intimidated by to dive into the details. From weekend services to special events to classes to seminars to workshops and the list continues, managing events in CCB is likely one
Category: Automation
Over the last few weeks, there’s been a bit of excitement in the world of Church Community Builder, also affectionately known as CCB. I use “excitement” loosely as many churches using CCB’s API were informed about CCB implementing a new per-minute rate limiting policy in addition to its per-day allotment of 10,000 calls per day
Hi there! Alvin here from CCBTutorials.com. I have great news today with an offer to solve your church’s technical challenges. But let me give you a little background first.
As I begin this tutorial, it’s an early Saturday morning, and I mean early… like 4:12 A.M! For whatever the reason, the good Lord saw to it that I should arise this day, and I’m grateful for that. It’s not often that I’m up this early on a Saturday morning. But hey, since I’m up, bright
Welcome back to CCBTutorials.com for this week’s tutorial. A few weeks back, I stumbled across a request about adding a group of people to a significant event via Church Community Builder’s (CCB) The Village. I waited a few days to see if a response would surface, but nothing ever surfaced. Here’s the person’s original