Welcome back to this week’s tutorial. We’re picking back up from where we left off last week. As a quick recap, Part I and Part II covered the following aspects: Creating a php form Creating an excel/csv spreadsheet of spiritual gift questions and a CCB spiritual gifts key Parsing excel/csv spreadsheet of display questions for
Category: Email
As I begin this tutorial, it’s an early Saturday morning, and I mean early… like 4:12 A.M! For whatever the reason, the good Lord saw to it that I should arise this day, and I’m grateful for that. It’s not often that I’m up this early on a Saturday morning. But hey, since I’m up, bright
The weeks fly by so fast. It seems like we just completed last week’s tutorial about emailing a queue overdue persons report. This week’s tutorial will build and extend upon last week’s tutorial. We focus on saving the data to a Excel/CSV file, and emailing the file as an email attachment. It goes without saying,
Last week, I showed you how to create a Queue overdue list of persons report. This week, we’re going to work with the same tutorial, yet extend upon the base functionality you developed thus far. As with any tutorial we extend upon, I’m not going to cover the nitty-gritty details of the previous tutorial. You’ll
Welcome back. Today’s tutorial picks up from where we last left off. By now, you should be able to retrieve a list of individuals in a queue. That’s all good, but our original request was how do we find duplicate individuals in a given process as covered in the Retrieving list of Queues for a given Process.